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The Institute of Applied Forensic Technology ‘I.A.F.T.’ is a network of practicing forensic specialists dedicated to the Educational Advancement of Law Enforcement, promoting Justice through Education.  The Institute was established to provide practical training to the criminal justice community.

I.A.F.T. offers a series of informative programs, seminars and practical, hands-on workshops throughout the country.  These courses are designed for persons in all levels of law enforcement; as well as prosecutors, criminal attorneys and their investigators, crime lab personnel, medical-legal investigators and others working in related fields.


A description of programs presented through I.A.F.T. has been listed in this category along with a current programs schedule.  For more information on these courses  call I.A.F.T. or Doje’s Incorporated at 407 880-8149 or fax for information at 407 703-4055.   

