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DISPOSABLE 1oz Powders

Displaying products 1 - 4 of 4 results
Disposable Latent Print Powders - 1 oz
Price: $3.61
Disposable Latent Print Powders - 1 oz
Convention, magnetic and fluorescing powders are available in 1oz size for disposable purposes or just to sample one of our great powders.
Disposable Magnetic and/or Fluorescent Powders
Price: $4.89
Disposable Magnetic and/or Fluorescent Powders
ULTRA' denotes Magnetic and "X" denotes Fluorescent.
'Ultra A.P.B' Muti-Contrast Magnetic Powder
'Ultra A.P.B' Muti-Contrast Magnetic Powder
'Ultra A.P.B.' provides sensitivity in the development of Multi-Contrasting Latent Prints. Try it today! Available in 3 oz (#138) and 16 oz (#149) sizes
DfS " ULTRA BLUE" 2000 Magnetic Latent Powder
DfS " ULTRA BLUE" 2000 Magnetic Latent Powder
Our highly acclaimed, versatile DfS ULTRA BLUE magnetic and fluorescent powder. NOTE: 3 oz jar is now available in limited quantities.